Lane Cove Old Ignatians Rugby Football Club
The uniting of two great clubs

It is with great excitement that we announce that Old Ignatians' Rugby Football Club & Lane
Cove Rugby Union Club Inc have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to come
together as one club in 2024.
Our common objective will be to promote rugby union within the Lane Cove community whilst
respecting the traditions of both clubs. The new entity is dedicated to honouring the
contributions of current and past players, committees, and supporters from both clubs.
Both clubs have a proud tradition going back to 1949 in the case of Lane Cove and 1969 with
Old Ignatians.
A combined history would mean 49 premierships, 7 Club Championships and
3 Kentwell Cups. In recent years, both clubs have struggled with the effects of declining
participation numbers, and we believe by combining resources we are taking a proactive
approach to extend the lifespan of both clubs and creating an environment for senior rugby to
thrive in Lane Cove.
Lane Cove Rugby has always had a very close relationship with Old Ignatians, as a
significant number of Riverview parents, ex-players and supporters have either played or had
kids play for Lane Cove, especially at the junior level. More importantly Lane Cove has a
shared culture when it comes to playing rugby, wanting to be competitive, having fun, and
making long lasting friendships.
This is another exciting chapter in the history of Old Ignatians, there have been many ups and
downs over the 54 years, and this is now the start of another era of opportunity and
advancement of the Old Ignatians in Lane Cove.